Month: December 2011
Best card game ever
Pleased to read that the best card game ever, Shithead, is known as
Shit Pants (Paskahousu) in Finland.
Provocative book design
I’ve just started reading this. It’s a very well regarded novel from
Philip K. Dick set in an alternate 1960s where America has lost the
quizzical looks if I were to read it on the train.
The West Wing looks dated already
Watching the first couple of series of the West Wing from 1999-2001 and it already looks dated:
– what once looked like a manic tempo of corridor conversations is now standard or pedestrian compared to today’s offices – some social issues such as controversies around gay marriage seem WTF – the tech is comical. Mobiles are hardly ever used and monitors are massive (apart from black PowerBooks with upside down Apple logos) – the tight news agenda of “It’ll be in the papers tomorrow” has been blown apart by Twitter – they bask in economic growth
A Christmas Carol
Spurred me to break the ice and send Christmas cards to a couple of
people I’d grown apart from.
Just switched on iTunes Match
I wonder how many of my songs it will recognise.
Euros Childs
A mix of solo songs and Gorky’s favourites. Euros was both angelic and goofy.
The outdoor Xmas fridge is back